7 Tips to Enhance Productivity and Avoid Distractions

Ray Dhillon
5 min readJan 25, 2021


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Many motivational speakers or time management experts share their stories and urge you to bring on the track to be more productive. But in the end, everything depends on your style, will, and intention to do it.

Here in this article, you will get to know some points related to boost your productivity and certainly more to be on the safe side. It is impossible to read dozens of books on time management or search how to declutter for a productive workspace. It would help managing your time to focus on what your lifestyle asks to follow. Maybe some points are suitable for you but not for others or vice versa.

Let’s jump on to simple three to being more productive that applies to almost everybody.

Cut out your phone

MOBILE PHONE is relatively the most common used gadget nowadays, and it could help one a lot in many chores. But, most of the time, it becomes a considerable time wastage machine for you, and when you put it back on your table, the clock ticks, and you ran out of time or are left with very short. Thus coping up your project deadline with the work may be possible within this brief interval, but it might be possible that you will submit the average work and not the outstanding one.

So it is a must to do tactic to use your phone only when needed.

Make a schedule

We live in a world full of distraction, and in this, our work deadlines are alarming as well. Then, go for making a proper schedule according to your life; not too strict and not handy. Make a moderate one. Distribute your tasks accordingly and follow them with full honesty and discipline.

Take short breaks

Nobody is perfect. You cannot do all of the tasks in one day. For a better outcome, research, try, brainstorm, share views, and most importantly, take a rest. If your mind is stressed, you will not perform the thing that sets you apart from others. Don’t use a cell phone or any distraction gadget. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and rest for a while.

If we talk about distractions, then some points to avoid them during work pops up at first thought;

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Planning your day

It is the same as making a schedule for a week. Keep your hand lightly on the plan so that it will be easy to follow. Wake up early, check your emails and then assign your tasks in hours.

Focus on one

Being a multitasking person is something tremendous, but doing each of them with perfection is God-gifted. Make things simple and focus on one thing and then step ahead. If you can handle multiple tasks simultaneously, still give proper attention to one and then proceed.

Speak for yourself

If someone is disturbing you or anything that distracts you from your work, please ask them if they could help you focus on your work. Don’t feel odd; it’s just normal.

Assign and track your timings

It is a crucial part of being productive. If I say focusing doesn’t mean getting into your work so much that you pour all of your attention to do work without seeing the clock, I am not wrong. It’s a tip; walk by each tick of your watch. Give small targets to yourself and try to achieve them. In this way, you will be able to produce quality work in less time.

It doesn’t matter that you work from home or office; having physical clutter around your workspace is as essential as water to your health. You can try simple productivity tips to declutter your workspace.

Maintaining discipline on the work table in your office makes you work with interest. It’s not a JOKE; most productive personalities are the most disciplined ones.

First of all, make sections, and for this, reduce the paper count. Discard all the extra paper that is out of date or not essential to be in your closet.

Start from small. Don’t wipe out the table in excitement to remove all the distractions. See your drawer first and then small cabinets. Starting from little can help you do the large piles relatively quickly.

Okay, when you are done with drawers, set your laptop or system you work on neatly. Make sure that wires are hidden because they can create a huge mess. Manage your cables, flash if any, and clippers aside.

Section out each thing with labels. Apply the same rule to your files inside your laptop. It can help you a lot to become productive enough without getting distracted.

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